It’s easy to assume that the coronavirus outbreak involves a list of things that Christians are not able to do, like meet together, go inside our church buildings or share bread and wine. There is real sadness involved in not being physically part of a worshiping community. However, the current lock down also gives us the chance to explore some of the different ways that we can be involved in church together. We may learn more about what’s really important for our faith, find new ways of doing things, or discover that God is providing ways to engage with new people that simply weren’t available before.
The word “technology” conjures images of what is complex and intricate; our lives reflect the same image in this technological era. There’s way too much Christian negativity surrounding technology. All we seem to think and read about are the dangers and difficulties of the digital revolution. In only twenty years or so, our everyday experience of technology has grown by leaps, so that computers, smart phones, social media, and email are standard parts of our daily routine. There are unintended side effects of technology that are both de-personalizing and dehumanizing. But there are some wonderful benefits of technology that enable the mission of the church.
We at Good Christian Chat are exploring the ways in which technology has benefited the church. One of the greatest daily challenges facing Christians in the modern world is to think clearly about his or her use of any technology; and every congregation and every pastor needs to take advantage of technology in order to enable the church’s mission. Technology can be a resource that we can use for God’s glory.
Through Facebook and Twitter or through a church blog, communication has been facilitated directly with people in the congregations, throughout the day and week.
As Christians, we do believe that God can use all kinds of situations to teach us new things and to help us to develop as disciples and evangelists. In time, we might look back on the coronavirus outbreak as the catalyst that helped to define our faith for future generations. Technology enables the congregation easily to have direct communication with their ministers who in turn can have communication with them on a broader and a clearer scale. Ongoing communication through technology helps the mission of the church.
Technology allows a greater sense of community that doesn’t demand proximity. Proximity isn’t required for community. People can sit next to each other week after week and never talk. But through technology, people in church are praying for each other thanks to church Facebook pages. Sometimes they already know each other, but at other times they meet one another through Facebook. Social media is where younger generations are interacting. It’s the new marketplace, which may seem unnatural for older generations, but it is how community for younger people is now started and developed. Through social media, new attendees can connect to other church members before they ever have a chance to meet at a church gathering or a small group. This is a big shift in how we interact and build relationships, but we have to use it if we want to enable community for the sake of the mission of the church.
Many churches have apps which allow access to their sermons. Technology enables members and attendees to enhance their discipleship experience at church. It’s incredible how easy and inexpensive it now is to produce ministry resources and send them around the world at the click of a mouse. Churches and seminaries in third world countries are better equipped and educated than they’ve ever been. Classes and lectures are beamed into deserts, slums, and jungles. Missionaries connect with their families and churches at home via Skype. The Christian message is reaching countries and places no Christian can.
If you want to apply the benefits of communication and community with how technology enables us as Christians, take a look at some of these previous article featured on Good Christian Chat.
3 online video platforms to worship God on and LoveWorld Launches Wordfest 2020; a Daily Feast on God’s Word.