Tag: bible

3 online video platforms to worship God on
While more and more countries start reopening their societies after the COVID-19 outbreak, some institutions like churches remain closed. In other parts of the world, a reopening has yet to be imposed, so churchgoers are still forced to pray at home. To help all of you out at home, we have gathered three online video…

5 essential Christian apps for your smartphone
According to Statista, there are now 3,5 billion smartphone users in the world, which means that 45% of all people own such a device. One of the fundamentals of smartphones is that you can install apps for pretty much every purpose. You can read the news, play games, edit pictures, track your friends and much,…

5 Christian podcasts to listen to while in quarantine
While the Coronavirus is forcing many of us to stay at home, Good Christian Chat has put together a list of five Christian podcasts you can listen to on Apple Podcasts in your quarantine. Grab your favorite beverage, lean back and enjoy the gospel. 1) Truth’s Table Since 2017, Michelle Higgins, Christina Edmondson and Ekemini…

Most Popular Bible Quotes Searched For in 2019
Amazing news that social media and technology are helping spread the Good News of the Bible. The YouVersion Bible app’s annual report shows that “people read and listened to the Bible 30% more this year, and 478 million verses have been shared.” Tending now and for three years the users of this app have shared…

Children’s Bible Written To Tackle The Tricky Issues
For Christian parents it important to have wholesome and entertaining content for their children at every age. As part of Good Christian Chat, the advances in access to the Bible are discovered and shared, especially for younger Christians. Terry Mattingly of the Meridian Star makes the point “The ancient Christian leaders who wrote the Nicene…

Teaching Using Technology
Teachers are always looking for ways to engage with their students and make learning effective. In a busy classroom it is vital we connect to all our learners. Today’s learners need more learning cues than before and it is important that teachers and educators keep up with the trends that will enable pupils to succeed….

Have Productive Prayer Time with the NEW PrayerMate App!
Do you often find yourself comforting friends and loved ones with the promise to pray for them? Offering to pray has become more of a response than action and if we are not careful, we risk losing authenticity in life and relationship with, not only one another but also with God. The PrayerMate App has…

DOWNLOAD FREE SUPERBOOK APPLICATION – Games, Videos, Bible Profiles & More!
It’s been said before and here at Good Christian Chat, we will say it again. Technology is described as a blessing and a curse. With how quickly our world has become dependent on it, we must be careful how and for what we make use of it. As children are exposed to tablets and phones,…

Top 3 MUST SEE Christian Films Out This Year!
When true godliness is put on display in the media, gathering your family around the television for a movie night can be refreshing and uplifting. For too long, parents have been left with no choice but to turn the television off in hopes to protect their children’s innocence. 2019 has been a huge year in…
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