For Christian parents it important to have wholesome and entertaining content for their children at every age. As part of Good Christian Chat, the advances in access to the Bible are discovered and shared, especially for younger Christians.
Terry Mattingly of the Meridian Star makes the point “The ancient Christian leaders who wrote the Nicene Creed never produced a scroll explaining the mysteries of the Holy Trinity to children.” So how do we deepen our children’s understanding of the Gospel in a language that is relevant to them?
A Bible that is relevant
“I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things, visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten not created, of one essence with the Father, through whom all things were made. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Creator of life, who proceedeth from the Father, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified.” This is a bit confusing for most children in elementary school.
This question came to Phil Vischer, of “VeggieTales” He knew that he couldn’t tell the whole Bible story without discussing the Trinity and other complex issues. There are many amazing stories that engage children in the bible, It is not known as the “greatest story ever told” for no reason. He is the author of a new Bible for children.
Laugh and Learn Bible
Written by VeggieTales® creator Phil Vischer, this family Bible is more than a children’s Bible storybook in fact ‘it’s a deep, engaging, laugh-out-loud gospel experience.’ Accordingly, he put a puzzle at the start of “The Laugh and Learn Bible for Kids,” his new 52-chapter Bible storybook targeting children ages 6-10.
The Laugh and Learn Bible for Kids will guide readers from Genesis to Revelation, retelling those beloved Bible stories as well tackling complicated questions like “what is sin?” and “what is the Trinity?” There are 52 five-minute tales to enjoy as well as maps, charts to create a family connection to help readers learn, talk, and pray together.
Raising standards, reaching souls
Each story is richly illustrated and takes just five minutes to read. The creators of this Bible understand that Bible understanding has dropped. A United Kingdom Bible Society survey from a few years ago revealed that one in three children didn’t know the Nativity story was in the Bible. So, this children’s Bible hopes to redress that in a language that children can understand.
Opening the ‘Laugh and Learn Bible’ it reads, “In the beginning, there was God. Just God. Nothing else. No trees, no hummingbirds, no whales, no bats, no kids, no grown-ups, no grandmas or grandpas, no caterpillars, no lakes, no oceans, no horses, no elephants, and no frogs. Not even tiny ones. Just God.” This is food for thought.
Reading the Bible is tricky, and children do like a puzzle. This Bible was written with Vischer’s own grandchildren in mind. “I think that we tell kids Bible stories, but we don’t do a good job of telling them the whole biblical story,” he explained. “Kids want to be part of a big story. If we don’t tell them the biblical story, then they’ll just turn to ‘Star Wars,’ ‘Harry Potter’ or the ‘Avengers,’ and that will be that.”
The ‘Laugh And Learn Bible’ is available on Amazon and would make your family’s Christmas complete. Make them feel like they are part of “the greatest story ever told.”