The internet has without a doubt completely transformed the way we connect, not only between one another, but also between ourselves, and God. As an increasing number of Christians are turning to the internet to connect to their churches, Pastors and spiritual leaders are finding it essential to create and expand their church’s online presence.
According to a recent U.S study by Barna Group, 96% of Pastors use a computer at church and 39% of those pastors use that computer to access the internet. It is safe to say that many Pastors have to come to accept that in the 21st century, the internet is an “essential tool” for the church.

Recent study by Barna Group
The ‘cyber church’ is an integral part of the current church experience. One Pastor, in particular, The Nigerian based minister, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has completely transformed his church, Christ Embassy, also known as Loveworld Inc., with an impressive combination of social media savvy and the creation of multiple virtual church platforms.
The Loveworld founder has recently launched his Healing School Cyber Church. The website promotes his Healing School, a miracle spiritual healing haven-cum-training school.
The Healing School Cyber Church provides its ‘online community with weekly online meetings, interactive discussions, and testimonies that are “specially designed for you to help grow your faith in God.”

The IMCC 2018
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has been behind many groundbreaking technological efforts that have promoted his church, Christ Embassy. At a recent global conference based in Nigeria, named the International Media’s Connectors Conference (IMCC) a series of lectures, seminars, and social media workshops were held to boost the church into the current fast-paced digital world. The Healing School Cyber Church was indeed a big feature of the event.

Loveworld president, Pastor Chris Oyhalilome
The Healing School Cyber Church is accessible to anyone and everyone, and holds online services every Sunday. The cyber church facilitates live meetings between their members and the congregants. Online visitors can connect to live services through their devices whereever they are. According to the Christ Embassy, the “Cyber Church brings the divine presence of God directly to your palm, home, office at any location.”
For more information on Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and his cyber church, click here.